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Conservation Scholarships

AGFC workers stock Florida bass fingerlings in Millwood Lake in southwest Arkansas.

Interested In A Career In Conservation?

The AGFC Conservation Scholarship Program encourages young people to pursue careers in fish and wildlife management, natural resources, and education. These career opportunities include jobs in wildlife law enforcement, fisheries management, wildlife management, nongame specialists, environmental education, and various related fields.

The AGFC Scholarship Program is made possible by sales of conservation license plates.

Graduate Scholarships

Interested in learning more about the new AGFC Graduate Fellowship Program? Please join us for a live informational webinar at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17. There will be time for a Q&A from attendees to ask any questions with staff.

Click here to register for the event.

2024 Graduate Fellowship RFP

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is pleased to announce a two-year $40,000 fellowship program available to support two thesis-based graduate research projects ($20,000 per student, per year) that align with its mission to conserve and enhance Arkansas’s fish and wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding, and support.

Arkansas’s people are as diverse as its fisheries, wildlife, and their ecosystems. Delivering the best this state offers to Arkansans and its visitors requires nothing less than the most talented, impactful, and dedicated individuals. This fellowship seeks to fund graduate research projects that align with agency priorities, create opportunities for professional development and mentorship to graduate students, and cultivate stronger partnerships between AGFC and academic institutions throughout the state.

Research projects will be selected based on their demonstrated need, conservation of Arkansas’s natural resources and contributions to its people. The funding is available for up to two graduate research projects, with each project’s funds not to exceed two years. The funding can be used to help cover a graduate student stipend, summer funding, conference or workshop travel, and other professional developmental trainings.

Fellowships are funded by the sales from the AGFC Conservation License Plate fund.

The proposal should not exceed 12 pages, with 1-inch margins, in a 12 point font. The project narrative portion of the proposal should include the following components:

  • Project Leader or Principal Investigator’s Name, Job Title, Affiliation, and Contact Information – Include contact information for the submitting Principal Investigator.
  • Project Title – Use a Descriptive Title to distinguish the project from other proposals (300 character limit).
  • Project Need and Objectives – Describe the context and rationale of the proposed research project, with statements of research goals and objectives. Include any literature cited as necessary.
  • Approach – Detail the proposed approach and methods for completing the
  • Expected Benefits – Describe the expected benefits of such a research project, to species, habitat, or member of the public.
  • Broader Impacts – Present any broader impacts that may be seen as a result of the
  • Timeline – Include the proposed timeline for completion of the
  • Preliminary Budget – Detail how the fellowship funding would be used to support the graduate
  • Qualifications – Provide a concise description that includes a) the name, title and organizational affiliation of each individual engaged in delivering the project, including the Principal Investigator (PI) and all partners, collaborators, contractors, etc., b) each individual’s qualifications and experience relevant to delivery of the proposed project; and c) each individual’s specific role and responsibilities in delivery of major project activities. If a contractor or individual is yet to be determined, please list the qualifications and experience sought for the appropriate role and responsibility. For PIs, please also include an abbreviated 1-2 page CV.
  • Other Partners and Partnerships (optional) – Include any federal, state, regional or non- governmental organizations that may partner on the development of this This may include a preferred partner within AGFC, by Division name.

Principal Investigators (PIs) at public and private academic institutions with an active graduate program are eligible to apply. Each PI can submit only one application for the 2024-2025 period. For any questions relevant to the application process, please email

Funding for the graduate fellowship will be disbursed to the academic institution directly to cover a graduate student’s stipend and various expenses. Given that fellowships are funded by the sales from the AGFC Conservation License Plate, a product that is only paid for by residents of the state of Arkansas, this fellowship is only eligible to students who attend in-state institutions for their graduate studies, who are U.S. citizens or those working towards citizenship. Both Arkansas residents and non-residents are eligible.

A PI who is awarded this funding will be expected to involve a compatible AGFC staff member, in the selection of the graduate student who will accept this fellowship and have an AGFC staff member sit as a potential committee member for the duration of the project. The employee who sits on the committee may be different than one involved in the candidate selection based on academic institution requirements and availability to serve on the committee. An expectation will be set that the sitting committee member will meet at least quarterly with the student in order to provide project support and mentorship throughout the fellowship.

Applicant Webinar: September 17, 2024 at 1PM CT

Application Period: September 3, 2024 – October 15, 2024

Application Deadline: October 15, 2024 at 11:59PM Central Time Award Notification: No later than December 15, 2024

Submission: Completed proposals can be submitted prior to October 15, 2024 by emailing a single PDF file to Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee and notice of award selection will be given no later than December 15, 2024.

Here is a summary of some project priorities by agency Division that can help with developing of a project proposal.  

Private Lands Habitat Division
Private lands in AR provide unique opportunities for management of priority wildlife species that include those species which are important to landowners, SGCN, threatened/endangered species, and other species of concern. The Private Lands Habitat Division has identified three research priorities that will increase the effectiveness of management on private lands for these priority species. 

(1) Assess the effectiveness of habitat management on private lands intentionally managed for wildlife in Arkansas, with comparisons to reference landscape conditions. 

(2) Predict landscape connectivity impact on northern bobwhite (density, presence, population viability) in Arkansas, and identify the most connected landscapes across the state. (3) Predict and/or assess the impact of private lands habitat management carried out through existing private lands programs on priority bird communities. 

Environmental Coordination Division
AGFC’s Environmental Coordination Division (ECD) utilizes federal, state, and local laws to  protect natural resources and uphold our obligations under Amendment 35 of the Arkansas State  Constitution. ECD works to foster understanding of the complex relationship between  development actions and environmental impacts, including how to avoid and mitigate those  impacts. ECD provides environmental policy and regulation analysis to AGFC staff, regulatory  agencies, and the public to ensure that natural resources and the ecosystems they support are  maintained for future generations while providing for the needs of people today. We work with a  broad spectrum of institutions and individuals to incorporate science, engineering, and resource  management practices to meet our society’s ecologic, cultural, and economic needs. 

The laws, policies, and regulations are growing in importance as global warming and imperiled  freshwater supplies take their toll in Arkansas and around the world. Solutions can only come  through a new generation of informed, purpose driven actions. ECD seeks to find harmony  between law and policy, science, and engineering to develop resource management solutions that  will address these global issues. The scope of the projects that ECD reviews make our Division a  unique vehicle for legal and policy thinking, one that looks beyond the abstract to consider the  nuts and bolts of how to make good decisions in time for them to matter.

What is the total amount available for each graduate fellowship?

There is $40,000 allocated to support two graduate fellowships each year. Each graduate fellowship recipient will be awarded $20,000 per year that can fund their graduate student stipend, or other associated expenses. Each PI is only able to apply to receive up to $20,000 in funding to support one fellowship.

Will there be an opportunity to ask questions about this program?

Yes, potential applicants are encouraged to email There will also be a live webinar on September 17 at 1PM that will go over the proposal requirements, providing an opportunity for any questions to be answered in real-time.

Should students considered for the fellowship have a specific major or academic focus?

Given the breadth of work and support that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission provides to the state, there is not a limit to the field of interest, and the potential scope of the project. PIs interested in applying and students selected for the graduate fellowship should have a demonstrated focus in one of the following degree programs:

  • Agriculture (emphasis in Natural Resources)
  • Aquaculture
  • Biology (emphasis in Natural Resources)
  • Botany
  • Civil Engineering (emphasis in Sanitary/Environmental, Structural or Hydraulic)
  • Conservation Biology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Environmental Management and Regulatory Science
  • Fisheries Science
  • Forestry
  • Park and Recreation Administration (emphasis in Natural Resources)
  • Science Education
  • Wildlife Biology
  • Zoology

Only thesis-based graduate projects will be considered for funding. For any questions about a focus not listed, please email

How will each proposal be evaluated? 

Each proposal will be reviewed by an agency-appointed Evaluation Committee, and scored based on the  presented Scoring Descriptions. 

Quality Rating  Description  Quality of Response
5 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the proposal  squarely meets the requirement and  

exhibits outstanding knowledge,  creativity, ability or other  

exceptional characteristics.  

Extremely strong.

4 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the proposal  squarely meets the requirement and  is better than merely acceptable. Good
3 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the proposal  is of acceptable quality. Acceptable
2 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the  

proposal’s acceptability is doubtful.

1 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the proposal  is poor. Poor
0 When considered in relation to the  RFP evaluation factor, the proposal  clearly does not meet the  

requirement, either because it was  left blank or because the proposal is  unresponsive.


Each proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria and weighted as shown below.

Criteria Points Possible Weighting
Ability to complete the project during the specified timeframe 10 10%
Budget outline including

Indirect Costs

10 10%
Qualifications and resources of the project leader and supporting organization 5 5%
Soundness of project design and methodology 25 25%
Ability of the proposal to align with the mission of the AGFC and priorities of the Natural State Tomorrow Strategic Plan, and remain within the scope of this RFP 25 25%
Regional or statewide applicability to Arkansas 10 10%
Agreement to provide annual report of project progress and public presentation at project completion 5 5%
Agreement to participate in quarterly progress meetings with AGFC staff 10 10%

Undergraduate Scholarships

We are working diligently to update the AGFC scholarship program!

This update will offer a higher value scholarship, with stronger connections to our agency, in order to provide significant benefits to both AGFC and the recipients. We are currently suspending the current scholarship program to new applicants until the new one is ready to launch in order to avoid confusion and ensure a smooth transition. Once we are ready to unveil the new program we will be sure to promote it effectively to reach potential applicants and maximize its impact.