Jack Cox Scatter Creek Firing Range
Paragould Range
No Phone: This is an unmanned range
Thursday: Sunrise to Sunset
Sunrise to sunset unless otherwise noted.
- Sunday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Monday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Tuesday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Wednesday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Thursday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Friday: Sunrise to Sunset
- Saturday: Sunrise to Sunset

Quick Facts
Unmanned Range
Bring Your Own Target
Sunset to Sunrise
No Alcohol or Drugs Allowed
About Us
The range offers a place to shoot for fun as well as to get ready for upcoming hunting seasons. Any legal firearm and ammunition may be used on the firing range. Please read the list of rules below before traveling to the range.
To reach the firing range, take Hwy. 49 north out of Paragould; take Hwy 135 north; go 5 miles and turn west on Hwy 34; go 3.5 miles to William E. Brewer Scatter Creek WMA sign; turn right and go one mile to firing range.
Please be sure to bring a 2′ x 2′ piece of cardboard to clip to the target holder.
- Range is open sunrise to sunset. (Range may be closed by AGFC as needed.)
- No alcoholic beverages or drugs are allowed on range site.
- Any legal firearm and ammunition (no fully automatic firearms, armor-piercing or tracer ammunition) may be used on firing range.
- Keep all firearms unloaded and muzzles pointed in a safe direction when not firing. Firearms must be placed on shooting bench pointed downrange before loading. Actions on uncased firearms must be open when not on firing line.
- All persons are to remain behind the shooter while firing is taking place.
- No firing shall be allowed while anyone is downrange. While people are downrange, all firearms must be unloaded and no firearms are to be handled.
- Firearms shall be fired only from designated stations on the concrete shooting line into the embankment at stationary paper targets. Targets shall not be placed higher than 5 feet above ground level.
- Only one person may shoot from each designated location at any given time. Youths 15 and younger must be supervised by a responsible adult 21 years or older.
- All targets, brass and other items used must be removed and properly disposed of before leaving.
- WARNING: Improper handling of a firearm is an inherently dangerous activity. Failure to exercise proper caution and abide by appropriate safety measures may result in severe injury or death. Participants and visitors assume all risk or injury. The AGFC is not responsible for any injuries that may occur.
Violation of any rules posted are subject to a citation with a penalty of $100 to $1,000.